(接着前面发的) 美国人承认在当年门罗主义下犯过不少错误!所以他们这次的手脚是缚住的。这个文章的视频里,著名的Sanders参议员在美国参议院辩论 (是战前2月10日!),也承认俄国对安全担心有其道理。我就不多说,大家自己去看两位参议员辩论吧。墙内看不到的我转贴同一网页上英文摘要!

国内也有引用此视频,断章截取有用的再添加自己的料,变成有力宣传武器。一个例子就是北约轰炸南斯拉夫。殊不知南斯拉夫对阿尔巴尼亚人种族清洗,杀戮或赶到邻国,那是联合国已有定论的!而俄国对乌克兰的指控没有任何国际组织承认!国内人因为使馆被错炸总容易歪曲南斯拉夫冲突的整体图像,也可以理解。但你自己不听劝告离开战场当然会有危险 (可能还有别的猫腻这里就不说了)。




如果连俄国都能被trusted but verify,而墙国只能被distrusted and verify,那真得自己好好找找原因了!

俩参议员辩论总结: Senators Sanders and Durbin on Russia and Ukraine

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said though Vladimir Putin is dishonest and corrupt, he has a legitimate interest in security in neighboring countries. He said Russia should not invade Ukraine, but he noted that under the Monroe Doctrine, the U.S. asserts the right to intervene in matters in countries in the Western Hemisphere and has overthrown governments in Latin American countries. He said the U.S. was on the brink of nuclear war in 1963 because the Soviet Union put nuclear weapons in Cuba, and Russia similarly does not want adversaries to have military equipment close to its borders. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) responded, saying he agreed with Senator Sanders' criticism of past U.S. military interventions. But he said if the U.S. recognizes a Russian sphere of influence, that would be a green-light for Russia to invade Ukraine. The senators then engaged in a debate about whether Russia has legitimate security interests in Ukraine. 
